Hier vindt u meer wetenschappelijke informatie over haver
- Londoño D.M., 2014, Laying the foundations for dough-based oat bread, Wageningen University - ISBN 9789462570085 – 139 p
- Paudel D, Dhungana B., Caffe M., and Krishnan P., 2021, A Review of Health-Beneficial Properties of Oats, Foods , 10, 2591 https://doi.org/10.3390/foods10112591
- Smulders M. J.M. , van de Wiel C. C.M. , van den Broeck H.C. , van der Meer I.M. , Israel-Hoevelaken B.T.P.M., Timmer R.D. , van Dinter B. , Braun S., Gilissen L.J.W.J., 2018, Oats in healthy gluten-free and regular diets: A perspective., Food Research International, 110, 3-10, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2017.11.031; https://edepot.wur.nl/429633
- Renzetti S., Theunissen M., and Horrevorts K., 2021, A Systematic Comparison of the Intrinsic Properties of Wheat and Oat Bran Fractions and Their Effects on Dough and Bread Properties: Elucidation of Chemical Mechanisms, Water Binding, and Steric Hindrance, Foods, 10(10), 2311; https://doi.org/10.3390/foods10102311
- Vervuurt W. et al., 2021, Indicatoren voor systeemonderzoek in de open teelten en de toepassing daarvan in de systeemproeven van de PPS Beter Bodembeheer, (TKI-AF-16064/BO-56-001-005). Wageningen, Rapport WPR-899
- Timmer R.D en Habers W.R. , 2021, Effect van haverteelt op de bodem, WUR WPR 874;
- Korczak R., Kocher M., and Swanson, K.S., 2020, Effects of oats on gastrointestinal health as assessed by in vitro, animal, and human studies. Nutrition reviews, 78(5), pp.343-363
- Herrero M. et al., 2020, Innovation can accelerate the transition towards a sustainable food system, Nature Food, VOL 1, 266–272 ,http://www.nature.com/natfood
- Van Zanten , H.H.E., Van Ittersum M.K., De Boer , I.J.M. 2019, The role of farm animals in a circular food system, Global Food Security, 21, 18-21, The role of farm animals in a circular food system – ScienceDirect
- Hardy MY, Tye-Din JA, Stewart JA, Schmitz F, Dudek NL, Hanchapola I, et al. Ingestion of oats and barley in patients with celiac disease mobilizes cross-reactive T cells activated by avenin peptides and immuno-dominant hordein peptides. Journal of Autoimmunity. 2015;56:56-65. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaut.2014.10.003
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